Conferences and Symposia
The Language Resource Center seeks to foster and support the scholarly and ongoing professionalization efforts of the Columbia language community. We therefore aspire to partner with language instructors in their efforts to organize scholarly events such as conferences and symposia, in order to advance Columbia University’s longstanding profile of faculty excellence in the area of language teaching and learning.
Please follow the below links for examples of recent scholarly efforts supported by the LRC.

Language and Climate Making Connections for A Sustainable Future: Symposium of The Consortium for Language Teaching and Learning Columbia University
NEALLT 2024: Writing Innovations in the Language Classrooms. Hosted by the Columbia University Language Resource Center
NEALLT 2022: Emerging Realities in Language Teaching and Learning. Hosted by the Columbia University Language Resource Center
II Congresso de Português como Língua Estrangeira na Columbia University. Linguística e Estudos Culturais: Interseções no Ensino de Português como Língua Estrangeira
African Language Teachers Association Annual Conference: The Collective Mission of African Languages in the Next Decade
I Congresso de Português como Língua Estrangeira na Columbia University. Linguística e Estudos Culturais: Interseções no Ensino de Português como Língua Estrangeira
Language Education in a Time of Crisis: Innovation, Adaptation, Transformation
Course Sharing for Sustainable Programs