Instructional Innovation Workshops
Our workshops explore thoughtful and creative applications of educational technology in the language classroom. Each session focuses on a salient aspect of classroom instruction and explores how it can be enhanced through the use of technology. The workshops complement the reading group sessions in investigating links between technology and world language pedagogy.

Topics and Materials
Listed below are recent workshop sessions arranged by the academic year.
Writing across genres, modalities, and technologies (2022 - 2023)
This academic year we focus on writing proficiency in the foreign langauge classroom and how it can be facilitated across genres, modalities, and technologies.
Fall 2022
10/21: Using Canvas Instructor Companion App to Provide Written Feedback
11/11: Backchanneling and Digital Literacies [recording] [slides on WhatsApp] [slides on Discord]
Spring 2023
02/10: AI Chat and Language Learning
02/17: Integrating ChatGTP into Foreign Language Writing Tasks [slides] [recording]
04/07: Harnessing Generative AI in Instructional Content Development
Listening Comprehension in the Language Classroom (2021 - 2022)
This semester we focus on listening comprehension and the digital tools that can be employed in its service.
Fall 2021
10/06: Asynchronous Classroom Interactions with Ed Discussions [recording] [slides]
10/20: Curating Audio Materials with Audacity [recording] [slides]
11/05: Subtitles, Closed Captions, and Listening Comprehension [recording] [slides] [handout]
Spring 2022
The Instructional Technology Workshops were suspended.
Pedagogy and Technology in the Virtual Language Classroom (2020 - 2021)
Fall 2020 – Fundamentals of Canvas
09/30: The Gradebook Feature in Canvas [recording] [slides]
10/21: Organizing Course Content with Modules [recording] [slides]
10/28: Using Quizzes [recording] [slides]
11/11: Evaluating Assignments with Canvas Speedgrader [recording] [slides]
11/17: Grading with Canvas Rubrics [recording] [slides]
01/27/21: Creating Content with the New Rich Content Editor (RCE) [recording] [slides]
Spring 2021 – Visualizing the Language Classroom
02/03: Interactive Presentations and Instructional Videos with mmhmm [recording] [slides]
02/10: Listening and Speaking in New Digital Spaces [recording] [slides]
02/24: Flipgrid’s Advanced Features [recording] [slides]
03/24: Fundamentals of Videography [recording] [slides]
04/07: Sharing Video Content [recording] [slides]
New Directions in Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) (2019 - 2020)
This academic year we are focusing on Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and its numerous applications in the language classroom. The Fall semester opens with a general introduction to CALL and an overview of the H5P platform. The series subsequently works through selected technological solutions facilitating the four basic skills, starting with listening, through speaking, writing, and reading. The coverage of the latter two skills was postponed in an effort to prepare our instructors for remote teaching, as a result of the global COVID-19 pandemic.
Summer 2020
06/10: Redeveloping Classroom Activities for Remote Instruction [slides]
06/24: Padlet for the Distance Language Classroom [recording] [slides]
07/15: Developing Video-Based Assignments with EdPuzzle [recording] [slides]
07/22: Speaking Proficiency Practice with Lingt [recording] [slides]
Spring 2020
02/06: Using OpenBoard to Structure Interactive Lessons [recoding]
02/20: Listening and Subtitles with Aegisub [slides]
03/06: The Poetry of Language Learning [slides] [recording]
03/09: Speaking Assignments and Assessments with Lingt
03/19: Assessment in the Distance Language Classroom [slides]
03/20: The Whiteboard Feature in Zoom [slides]
03/23: Breakout Rooms Feature in Zoom [slides]
03/24: Quizzes Feature in Canvas [slides]
04/02: Interactive Presentations with Pear Deck [slides]
04/09: Student-Centered Learning in the Distance Environment [slides]
04/23: Introduction to Flipgrid [slides]
04/09: Oral Proficiency Assessment with Flipgrid [slides]
04/20: Fundamentals of Slack [slides]
Fall 2019
10/03: SLA through H5P [slides]
10/24: Video-Mediated Listening in the Multiliteracies Framework [slides]
10/31: Fundamentals of Video Editing
11/14: From VR to a Multimodal Task – Developing VR Experiences for the Multimodal Language Classroom [slides]
Podcasting (Fall 2018) and the Multiliteracies Framework in the World Language Classroom (Spring 2019)
This year we are exploring two larger technological themes shaping world language instruction. The majority of he Fall semester investigates the role of podcasting in the foreign language classroom. Starting with theoretically grounded rationale for podcast implementation, it moves through the process of podcast recording and the foundations of sound editing. The series concludes with an overview of the best practices for launching a podcast and a series review. During the Spring semester we take a deeper look at how the multiliteracies framework is realized in practice. Our instructional innovation workshops complement both semesters by introducing an array of tools that can be used to realize the principles of the multiliteracies approach in the language classroom.
Spring 2019
02/14: Formative Assessment in the Multiliteracies Framework [slides] [recording]
02/28: Working with Available Designs [slides] [recording]
03/07: Developing Grammar and Vocabulary Tasks in the Multiliteracies Framework [slides] [recording]
04/04: Interpersonal Oral Language Skills and Literacy Development [slides] [recording]
04/12: Smart Boards in the Language Classroom [slides] [recording]
04/25: Video-Mediated Listening for Written Communicative Competence [slides] [recording]
05/02: Presentational Writing Practice with Texts [slides] [recording]
Fall 2018
09/13: Introductions and Icebreakers [slides] [recording]
09/20: Interactive Presentations with Pear Deck [slides] [recording]
09/27: Introduction to Podcasting for Language Study [slides] [recording]
10/04: The Potential of Podcasts in the Language Classroom [slides]
10/11 and 10/18: Recording a Podcast [slides 1] [slides 2] [recording]
10/25 and 11/01: Fundamentals of Audio Editing with Audacity [recording]
11/15: Releasing a Podcast [slides] [recording]
11/29: Podcasting – Series Conclusion [slides]
12/06: Video Hosting and Sharing with Panopto [slides] [recording]